Mar 29
1808 The Williamstown Fair, Ontario's oldest continually operating agricultural fair, received its patent from Lt. Gov. Francis Gore. Sir John Johnson, the founder of Williamstown, donated 12 acres of his land for the fair.
1848 Niagara Falls stopped flowing for more than 24 hours because the entrance to the Niagara River had been sealed off by a giant ice jam.
1867 The British Parliament passed the North America Act to on the 27th to create the Dominion of Canada. Royal accent was given on the 29th.
1927 Government control of alcohol replaced prohibition in Ontario.
Mar 30
1867 US Secretary of State William H. Seward reached agreement with Russia to purchase Alaska for $7.2 million, a deal roundly ridiculed as "Seward's Folly."
1945 Eric Clapton, musician, was born.
1954 The Toronto subway system, the first in Canada, opened. The 7.4 km line had 12 stations and took 4 1/2 years to build.
2002 Britain's Queen Mother Elizabeth died at age 101.
Mar 31
1827 King's College, later to become the University of Toronto, received its royal charter.
1889 French engineer Alexandre Gustave Eiffel unfurled the French tricolor from atop the Eiffel Tower to mark its completion.
1901 The official date of the 1901 Census of Canada.
1928 Gordie Howe, Hockey Hall of Famer, was born.
1931 Fire destroyed the Ottawa City Hall, including the municipal archives, in Confederation Square.
1949 Newfoundland officially became part of Canada

Ottawa Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society (OGS) is responsible for Carleton, Lanark, Renfrew, Prescott and Russell Counties. Our mission is “To encourage, assist and bring together all those interested in the pursuit of family history.” If you want to discover more about your family origins, or how and where to locate information about your ancestors, our members will be there to help you.
29 March 2012
28 March 2012
1921 Canadian Census
1921 Canadian Census
Have a look at the LAC blog
They have information on the release of the 1921 Canadian Census on June 1, 2013.
27 March 2012
Timeline March 27 & 28
Mar 27
1513 Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon sighted Florida.
1613 The wife of Nicholas Gure gives birth to Newfoundland's First English child at Cupids, Newfoundland.
1625 Charles I ascended the English throne upon the death of James I.
1836 The first Mormon temple was dedicated, in Kirtland, Ohio.
1855 Abraham Gesner, a Halifax inventor, gets US patents for his kerosene distillation process. This new fuel replaces whale oil.
1964 A Tsunami generated by the 9.2 magnitude Good Friday earthquake in Alaska hits Port Alberni, BC.
Mar 28
1797 Nathaniel Briggs of New Hampshire patented a washing machine.
1960 The Ontario Legislature announced a plan to build a University at Sudbury, now called Laurentian University.
1979 America's worst commercial nuclear accident occurred at the Three Mile Island plant near Middletown, Pa.
1513 Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon sighted Florida.
1613 The wife of Nicholas Gure gives birth to Newfoundland's First English child at Cupids, Newfoundland.
1625 Charles I ascended the English throne upon the death of James I.
1836 The first Mormon temple was dedicated, in Kirtland, Ohio.
1855 Abraham Gesner, a Halifax inventor, gets US patents for his kerosene distillation process. This new fuel replaces whale oil.
1964 A Tsunami generated by the 9.2 magnitude Good Friday earthquake in Alaska hits Port Alberni, BC.
Mar 28
1797 Nathaniel Briggs of New Hampshire patented a washing machine.
1960 The Ontario Legislature announced a plan to build a University at Sudbury, now called Laurentian University.
1979 America's worst commercial nuclear accident occurred at the Three Mile Island plant near Middletown, Pa.
25 March 2012
Timeline March 25 & 26
Mar 25
1634 Maryland was founded by English colonists sent by the second Lord Baltimore.
1807 King George III proclaims the Act for the Abolition of the Slave Trade in the British Empire.
1947 Elton John, Rock singer, musician, was born.
1957 The Treaty of Rome established the European Economic Community.
1958 Maiden flight of supersonic fighter the AVRO CF-105 Arrow at Malton Airport. Cancelled five months later.
1964 Brock University was chartered by the Ontario Legislature.
Mar 26
1816 Reuben Sherwood, head surveyor, completed blazing a trail from Perth's "Depot" to a point known as Port Elmsley.
1874 Robert Frost, the American writer of poetry , was born in San Francisco.
1885 The Eastman Dry Plate and Film Co. of Rochester, N.Y., manufactured the first commercial motion picture film.
1917 The Seattle Metropolitans became the first U.S. team to win the Stanley Cup as they defeated the Montreal Canadiens.
1932 The Ontario Legislature passed an act making the white trillium the floral emblem of the Province of Ontario.
1959 The provincial government incorporated York University.
2003 Ontario declares a public health emergency as a result of SARS.
1634 Maryland was founded by English colonists sent by the second Lord Baltimore.
1807 King George III proclaims the Act for the Abolition of the Slave Trade in the British Empire.
1947 Elton John, Rock singer, musician, was born.
1957 The Treaty of Rome established the European Economic Community.
1958 Maiden flight of supersonic fighter the AVRO CF-105 Arrow at Malton Airport. Cancelled five months later.
1964 Brock University was chartered by the Ontario Legislature.
Mar 26
1816 Reuben Sherwood, head surveyor, completed blazing a trail from Perth's "Depot" to a point known as Port Elmsley.
1874 Robert Frost, the American writer of poetry , was born in San Francisco.
1885 The Eastman Dry Plate and Film Co. of Rochester, N.Y., manufactured the first commercial motion picture film.
1917 The Seattle Metropolitans became the first U.S. team to win the Stanley Cup as they defeated the Montreal Canadiens.
1932 The Ontario Legislature passed an act making the white trillium the floral emblem of the Province of Ontario.
1959 The provincial government incorporated York University.
2003 Ontario declares a public health emergency as a result of SARS.
22 March 2012
Timeline March 22 to 24
Mar 22
1765 Britain enacted the Stamp Act to raise money from the American colonies.
1923 Foster Hewitt, the voice of hockey, announced his first play-by-play hockey game on radio.
1928 Eileen Vollick of Hamilton became the first Canadian woman to obtain a pilot's licence.
Mar 23
1670 At present day Port Dover, Ontario, Sulpician priests Francois Dollier de Casson and Rene de Galinee erected a cross and took possession of the Lake Erie area in the name of the King of France.
1749 Pierre-Simon Laplace, French mathematician, astronomer and physicist, was born.
1883 The Ontario legislature instituted manhood suffrage.
1994 Wayne Gretzky finally eclipses Gordie Howe's National Hockey League career record with his 802nd NHL goal.
Mar 24
1865 John A Macdonald, George Etienne Cartier, George Brown and Alexander Galt left for Britain to discuss the possibility of uniting the British North American provinces.
1874 Harry Houdini, Hungarian born magician and escape artist, was born.
1890 Agnes Campbell Macphail was born in Proton Township, Grey County, Ontario. She was the first woman elected to the House of Commons.
1973 The album "Dark Side of the Moon" by Pink Floyd was released.
1975 Canadian Parliament passes act making the beaver the official symbol of Canada.
1765 Britain enacted the Stamp Act to raise money from the American colonies.
1923 Foster Hewitt, the voice of hockey, announced his first play-by-play hockey game on radio.
1928 Eileen Vollick of Hamilton became the first Canadian woman to obtain a pilot's licence.
Mar 23
1670 At present day Port Dover, Ontario, Sulpician priests Francois Dollier de Casson and Rene de Galinee erected a cross and took possession of the Lake Erie area in the name of the King of France.
1749 Pierre-Simon Laplace, French mathematician, astronomer and physicist, was born.
1883 The Ontario legislature instituted manhood suffrage.
1994 Wayne Gretzky finally eclipses Gordie Howe's National Hockey League career record with his 802nd NHL goal.
Mar 24
1865 John A Macdonald, George Etienne Cartier, George Brown and Alexander Galt left for Britain to discuss the possibility of uniting the British North American provinces.
1874 Harry Houdini, Hungarian born magician and escape artist, was born.
1890 Agnes Campbell Macphail was born in Proton Township, Grey County, Ontario. She was the first woman elected to the House of Commons.
1973 The album "Dark Side of the Moon" by Pink Floyd was released.
1975 Canadian Parliament passes act making the beaver the official symbol of Canada.
20 March 2012
Legacy webinar DNA Research for Genealogists: Beyond the Basics
Some of the best genealogy webinars are those organized by Geoff Rasmussen for Legacy Family Tree. They're free, even if you're not a Legacy user.
Coming up this Wednesday, March 21st, at 2 p.m. EDT is DNA Research for Genealogists: Beyond the Basics presented by Ugo Perego.
Register and find out about other Legacy webinars scheduled, at
Coming up this Wednesday, March 21st, at 2 p.m. EDT is DNA Research for Genealogists: Beyond the Basics presented by Ugo Perego.
Register and find out about other Legacy webinars scheduled, at
Timeline March 20 & 21
Mar 20
1727 Sir Isaac Newton, physicist, mathematician and astronomer, died in London, England.
1800 John Graves Simcoe grants 3,237 hectares (8,000 acres) in York County to Timothy Rogers, to settle a Quaker community in King and Whitchurch Townships.
1944 General Henry D. G. Crerar was appointed commander-in-chief of the First Canadian Army.
1948 Bobby Orr, a hockey great, was born in Parry Sound.
Mar 21
1666 Intendant Jean Talon starts census of New France; 3,215 persons counted in the first Canadian census.
1685 Johann Sebastian Bach, German Composer, was born in Eisenach, Germany.
1821 The North West Company agrees to merge with the Hudson's Bay Company, effective June 1, 1821.
1911 The Duke of Connaught was officially appointed governor general of Canada.
1942 J. S. Woodsworth, a Methodist minister, and First leader of the CCF, died. He pushed Mackenzie King to enact an old-age pension plan. He was born at Etobicoke, Ontario, July 29, 1874.
1727 Sir Isaac Newton, physicist, mathematician and astronomer, died in London, England.
1800 John Graves Simcoe grants 3,237 hectares (8,000 acres) in York County to Timothy Rogers, to settle a Quaker community in King and Whitchurch Townships.
1944 General Henry D. G. Crerar was appointed commander-in-chief of the First Canadian Army.
1948 Bobby Orr, a hockey great, was born in Parry Sound.
Mar 21
1666 Intendant Jean Talon starts census of New France; 3,215 persons counted in the first Canadian census.
1685 Johann Sebastian Bach, German Composer, was born in Eisenach, Germany.
1821 The North West Company agrees to merge with the Hudson's Bay Company, effective June 1, 1821.
1911 The Duke of Connaught was officially appointed governor general of Canada.
1942 J. S. Woodsworth, a Methodist minister, and First leader of the CCF, died. He pushed Mackenzie King to enact an old-age pension plan. He was born at Etobicoke, Ontario, July 29, 1874.
18 March 2012
Timeline Mar 18 & 19
Mar 18
1766 Britain repealed the Stamp Act.
1801 Elinkim Malcolm was born in Oakland Township. He was a surveyor and laid out the village of Scotland, Ontario. This was where Charles Duncombe's armed supporters gathered during the rebellion of 1837.
1858 Rudolf Diesel, German thermal engineer; invented the internal-combustion engine, was born.
1892 Ex-governor general Lord Stanley proposed the idea of a trophy to honour the best team in Canadian hockey. This became the Stanley Cup.
1918 Canadian Government passes a law bringing in Daylight Saving Time as a way to boost wartime production. The measure is so popular it stays after the war.
1931 Schick Inc. marketed the first electric razor.
Mar 19
1649 The Iroquois left the Huron country after virtually wiping then out and murdering Fathers Brebeuf and Lalement.
1825 George Simpson c1787-1860 chooses new Fort Vancouver as headquarters of Columbia district; on Columbia River near present day Portland.
1914 The Royal Ontario Museum was opened.
1941 United States and Canada sign pact to develop the St. Lawrence Seaway.
2008 Science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke died at age 90.
1766 Britain repealed the Stamp Act.
1801 Elinkim Malcolm was born in Oakland Township. He was a surveyor and laid out the village of Scotland, Ontario. This was where Charles Duncombe's armed supporters gathered during the rebellion of 1837.
1858 Rudolf Diesel, German thermal engineer; invented the internal-combustion engine, was born.
1892 Ex-governor general Lord Stanley proposed the idea of a trophy to honour the best team in Canadian hockey. This became the Stanley Cup.
1918 Canadian Government passes a law bringing in Daylight Saving Time as a way to boost wartime production. The measure is so popular it stays after the war.
1931 Schick Inc. marketed the first electric razor.
Mar 19
1649 The Iroquois left the Huron country after virtually wiping then out and murdering Fathers Brebeuf and Lalement.
1825 George Simpson c1787-1860 chooses new Fort Vancouver as headquarters of Columbia district; on Columbia River near present day Portland.
1914 The Royal Ontario Museum was opened.
1941 United States and Canada sign pact to develop the St. Lawrence Seaway.
2008 Science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke died at age 90.
15 March 2012
Timeline Mar 15 to 17
Mar 15
44 BC Roman dictator Julius Caesar was assassinated by a group of nobles that included Brutus and Cassius.
1493 Christopher Columbus returned to Spain, concluding his first voyage to the Western Hemisphere.
1778 Captain James Cook reaches the west coast of Vancouver Island with his ships Resolution and Discovery, on the way to search for a North West Passage from the Pacific.
1827 Shades' Mills became the town of Galt.
1918 "Punch" Imlach, who coached the Toronto Maple Leafs to four Stanley Cups, was born in Toronto.
1964 Actress Elizabeth Taylor and actor Richard Burton were married for the first time.
2003 The World Health Organization issued a worldwide health alert for the respiratory illness SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome).
Mar 16
1521 Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan reached the Philippines, where he was killed by natives the following month.
1649 A war party of 1,000 Iroquois overran the town of Saint-Ignace. Father Jean de Brebeuf was tortured to death at the near by Saint-Louis mission.
1846 The Earl of Cathcart was appointed Governor General of British North America.
1916 Canada signs Migratory Bird Treaty with the US; due to Jack Miner's work.
1983 The Rideau Centre opened in Ottawa.
Mar 17
461 According to tradition, St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, died. Other sources list the year as 493.
1649 Father Gabriel Lalement was tortured to death by the Iroquois at Sainte-Marie des Hurons.
1776 British forces evacuated Boston during the Revolutionary War.
1829 In Bytown, Irish labourers celebrated St. Patrick's Day by parading. Fighting erupted and one man was killed and many injured.
1858 In Toronto a brawl broke out during the St. Patrick's Day parade. One man was killed.
1964 Canadian Government introduces Canada Pension Plan Bill in House of Commons.
44 BC Roman dictator Julius Caesar was assassinated by a group of nobles that included Brutus and Cassius.
1493 Christopher Columbus returned to Spain, concluding his first voyage to the Western Hemisphere.
1778 Captain James Cook reaches the west coast of Vancouver Island with his ships Resolution and Discovery, on the way to search for a North West Passage from the Pacific.
1827 Shades' Mills became the town of Galt.
1918 "Punch" Imlach, who coached the Toronto Maple Leafs to four Stanley Cups, was born in Toronto.
1964 Actress Elizabeth Taylor and actor Richard Burton were married for the first time.
2003 The World Health Organization issued a worldwide health alert for the respiratory illness SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome).
Mar 16
1521 Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan reached the Philippines, where he was killed by natives the following month.
1649 A war party of 1,000 Iroquois overran the town of Saint-Ignace. Father Jean de Brebeuf was tortured to death at the near by Saint-Louis mission.
1846 The Earl of Cathcart was appointed Governor General of British North America.
1916 Canada signs Migratory Bird Treaty with the US; due to Jack Miner's work.
1983 The Rideau Centre opened in Ottawa.
Mar 17
461 According to tradition, St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, died. Other sources list the year as 493.
1649 Father Gabriel Lalement was tortured to death by the Iroquois at Sainte-Marie des Hurons.
1776 British forces evacuated Boston during the Revolutionary War.
1829 In Bytown, Irish labourers celebrated St. Patrick's Day by parading. Fighting erupted and one man was killed and many injured.
1858 In Toronto a brawl broke out during the St. Patrick's Day parade. One man was killed.
1964 Canadian Government introduces Canada Pension Plan Bill in House of Commons.
13 March 2012
Timeline Mar 13 & 14
Mar 13
1781 The planet Uranus was discovered by Sir William Herschel.
1832 A testimonial dinner for Col. John By, builder of the Rideau Canal, was held at Carmino's Hotel in Kingston.
1855 Percival Lowell, the American astronomer who helped discover Pluto and believed that there was life on Mars, was born.
Mar 14
1782 Sir John Johnson (1742-1830) became Superintendent General of Indian Affairs in British North America.
1860 Thomas Leopold "Carbide" Wilson (1860-1915) was born on a farm near Princeton, Ontario. [My home town - Edward]. He designed and patented the first electric arc lamps in Hamilton, Ontario. Later he discovered an economical process for creating calcium carbide which is used in the production of acetylene gas. He also lived in Ottawa where he built a carbide plant and also built a summer house on Meech Lake, which is now owned by the federal government.
1879 Albert Einstein, Nobel Prize-winning physicist, was born.
1962 Gordie Howe of the Detroit Red Wings scores his 500th goal against the New York Rangers; second NHLer to score 500 goals, after Maurice Richard.
1781 The planet Uranus was discovered by Sir William Herschel.
1832 A testimonial dinner for Col. John By, builder of the Rideau Canal, was held at Carmino's Hotel in Kingston.
1855 Percival Lowell, the American astronomer who helped discover Pluto and believed that there was life on Mars, was born.
Mar 14
1782 Sir John Johnson (1742-1830) became Superintendent General of Indian Affairs in British North America.
1860 Thomas Leopold "Carbide" Wilson (1860-1915) was born on a farm near Princeton, Ontario. [My home town - Edward]. He designed and patented the first electric arc lamps in Hamilton, Ontario. Later he discovered an economical process for creating calcium carbide which is used in the production of acetylene gas. He also lived in Ottawa where he built a carbide plant and also built a summer house on Meech Lake, which is now owned by the federal government.
1879 Albert Einstein, Nobel Prize-winning physicist, was born.
1962 Gordie Howe of the Detroit Red Wings scores his 500th goal against the New York Rangers; second NHLer to score 500 goals, after Maurice Richard.
11 March 2012
Timeline Mar 11 & 12
Mar 11
1756 Louis-Joseph, Marquis de Montcalm appointed commander of French military forces in New France.
1903 Lawrence Welk, American bandleader and showman, was born.
1904 The Ottawa Silver 7 sweep Brandon Wheat Kings in 2 for the Stanley Cup.
1935 The Bank of Canada began operation in Ottawa.
1941 US President Roosevelt signed into law the Lend-Lease Bill, providing war supplies to countries fighting the Axis.
1879 Guelph incorporated as a city.
1949 Canada helps draft North Atlantic Security Treaty with Britain, USA, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Norway. This leads to the creation of NATO.
Mar 12
1820 Alexander Mackenzie, explorer, North West Company partner and the first person to cross the North American continent and reach the Pacific over land, died in Scotland.
1930 Lt.-Col. William George "Billy" Barker was killed in a crash at Rockcliffe airport in Ottawa. During WW I he had shot down 53 German planes.
1930 Indian political and spiritual leader Mohandas K. Gandhi began a 200-mile march to protest a British tax on salt.
1756 Louis-Joseph, Marquis de Montcalm appointed commander of French military forces in New France.
1903 Lawrence Welk, American bandleader and showman, was born.
1904 The Ottawa Silver 7 sweep Brandon Wheat Kings in 2 for the Stanley Cup.
1935 The Bank of Canada began operation in Ottawa.
1941 US President Roosevelt signed into law the Lend-Lease Bill, providing war supplies to countries fighting the Axis.
1879 Guelph incorporated as a city.
1949 Canada helps draft North Atlantic Security Treaty with Britain, USA, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Norway. This leads to the creation of NATO.
Mar 12
1820 Alexander Mackenzie, explorer, North West Company partner and the first person to cross the North American continent and reach the Pacific over land, died in Scotland.
1930 Lt.-Col. William George "Billy" Barker was killed in a crash at Rockcliffe airport in Ottawa. During WW I he had shot down 53 German planes.
1930 Indian political and spiritual leader Mohandas K. Gandhi began a 200-mile march to protest a British tax on salt.
08 March 2012
Ontario Genealogical Society Conference 2012
The War of 1812 was a border dispute between England and the United States. Issues such as borders; land settlement and pension records (on both sides of the border) of participants in the war of 1812 and other wars; immigration and migration; and genealogical resources in areas bordering eastern Ontario as well as in Ontario will be among the topics covered by speakers at the Conference. Other sessions will cover 21st century topics such as DNA, Google and other technology relevant to genealogical research.
Of particular interest to people curious about family history may be the pre-conference workshop “Starting Out in Genealogy”, offered Friday, June 1, 9:30 am – noon. People can register for this or any other Friday workshop without registering for the entire conference.
Registration is now open at and the early bird rate ends on 31 March.
Organizations that would like to exhibit in the Vendor area can find information at
07 March 2012
Timeline Mar 6 to 10
Mar 6
1475 Michelangelo, Italian sculptor, painter and architect, was born.
1834 York was renamed Toronto and incorporated as a city.
1836 The Alamo in San Antonio, Texas, fell to Mexican forces after a 13-day siege.
1981 Walter Cronkite signed off for the last time as anchorman of "The CBS Evening News."
Mar 7
1792 Sir John Herschel, English astronomer, was born.
1800 Philemon Wright founds Wrightsville, which he later renames Hull, after the birthplace of his parents in England; Wright led a group from Woburn, Massachusetts to the Ottawa Valley.
1842 Queen's University opened at Kingston, the first university in Ontario.
1876 Alexander Graham Bell received a patent for the telephone.
1878 The University of Western Ontario in London was incorporated.
1913 Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake) died at age 52.
1926 The first successful trans-Atlantic radio-telephone conversation took place, between New York City and London.
1939 Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians record their signature tune, Auld Lang Syne, for the First time, on Decca Records; Lombardo born in London, Ontario.
Mar 8
1702 England's Queen Anne ascended the throne upon the death of King William III.
1867 The British House of Lords gives final reading to the British North America Act.
1896 Charlotte Witton was born in Renfrew. She became the Ottawa's first woman mayor in 1951.
1945 International Women's Day first celebrated on this day in Canada and around the world.
1982 British House of Commons passes the Canada Act, allowing Canada to patriate its constitution.
Mar 9
1934 Yuri Gagarin, Russian cosmonaut, first space traveler, was born.
1959 Mattel's Barbie doll, created by Ruth Handler, made its public debut at the American International Toy Fair in New York.
Mar 10
1496 Christopher Columbus concluded his second visit to the Western Hemisphere as he left Hispaniola for Spain.
1861 Pauline Johnson was born at Chiefswood on the Six Nations Grand River Reserve. She was the daughter of Chief Henry Martin and Emily Howells of Bristol, England.
1876 The first successful voice transmission over Alexander Graham Bell's telephone took place in Boston as his assistant heard Bell say, "Mr. Watson, come here. I want you."
1927 A bill was introduced in the Ontario Legislature establishing the Liquor Control Board of Ontario.
1475 Michelangelo, Italian sculptor, painter and architect, was born.
1834 York was renamed Toronto and incorporated as a city.
1836 The Alamo in San Antonio, Texas, fell to Mexican forces after a 13-day siege.
1981 Walter Cronkite signed off for the last time as anchorman of "The CBS Evening News."
Mar 7
1792 Sir John Herschel, English astronomer, was born.
1800 Philemon Wright founds Wrightsville, which he later renames Hull, after the birthplace of his parents in England; Wright led a group from Woburn, Massachusetts to the Ottawa Valley.
1842 Queen's University opened at Kingston, the first university in Ontario.
1876 Alexander Graham Bell received a patent for the telephone.
1878 The University of Western Ontario in London was incorporated.
1913 Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake) died at age 52.
1926 The first successful trans-Atlantic radio-telephone conversation took place, between New York City and London.
1939 Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians record their signature tune, Auld Lang Syne, for the First time, on Decca Records; Lombardo born in London, Ontario.
Mar 8
1702 England's Queen Anne ascended the throne upon the death of King William III.
1867 The British House of Lords gives final reading to the British North America Act.
1896 Charlotte Witton was born in Renfrew. She became the Ottawa's first woman mayor in 1951.
1945 International Women's Day first celebrated on this day in Canada and around the world.
1982 British House of Commons passes the Canada Act, allowing Canada to patriate its constitution.
Mar 9
1934 Yuri Gagarin, Russian cosmonaut, first space traveler, was born.
1959 Mattel's Barbie doll, created by Ruth Handler, made its public debut at the American International Toy Fair in New York.
Mar 10
1496 Christopher Columbus concluded his second visit to the Western Hemisphere as he left Hispaniola for Spain.
1861 Pauline Johnson was born at Chiefswood on the Six Nations Grand River Reserve. She was the daughter of Chief Henry Martin and Emily Howells of Bristol, England.
1876 The first successful voice transmission over Alexander Graham Bell's telephone took place in Boston as his assistant heard Bell say, "Mr. Watson, come here. I want you."
1927 A bill was introduced in the Ontario Legislature establishing the Liquor Control Board of Ontario.
04 March 2012
Timeline Mar 4 & 5
Mar 4
1681 England's King Charles II granted a charter to William Penn for an area of land that later became Pennsylvania.
1791 The Constitutional Act dividing Quebec into Upper and Lower Canada was introduced into the British House of Commons by Prime Minister William Pitt.
1814 American and British troops fought the Battle of Longwoods on Battle Hill at Wardsville, between London and Thamesville.
1871 Sandford Fleming appointed engineer in charge of the Canadian Pacific Railway survey.
1881 St. Thomas gets city charter.
1971 Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau married Margaret Sinclair of Vancouver. First Prime Minister to marry while in office.
Mar 5
1512 Gerardus Mercator, Flemish cartographer, was born.
1770 The Boston Massacre took place as British soldiers, taunted by a crowd of colonists, opened fire, killing five people.
1838 Founding of the village of Paris, Ontario.
1838 The town of Kingston was incorporated.
1967 George P. Vanier, Canada's 19th Governor General, died at age 79.
1681 England's King Charles II granted a charter to William Penn for an area of land that later became Pennsylvania.
1791 The Constitutional Act dividing Quebec into Upper and Lower Canada was introduced into the British House of Commons by Prime Minister William Pitt.
1814 American and British troops fought the Battle of Longwoods on Battle Hill at Wardsville, between London and Thamesville.
1871 Sandford Fleming appointed engineer in charge of the Canadian Pacific Railway survey.
1881 St. Thomas gets city charter.
1971 Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau married Margaret Sinclair of Vancouver. First Prime Minister to marry while in office.
Mar 5
1512 Gerardus Mercator, Flemish cartographer, was born.
1770 The Boston Massacre took place as British soldiers, taunted by a crowd of colonists, opened fire, killing five people.
1838 Founding of the village of Paris, Ontario.
1838 The town of Kingston was incorporated.
1967 George P. Vanier, Canada's 19th Governor General, died at age 79.
01 March 2012
Timeline Mar 1 to 3
Mar 1
1632 Samuel de Champlain appointed first Governor of the royal colony of New France.
1815 Governor George Prevost is officially notified of the Peace of Ghent.
1881 Henry Birks opens a larger jewellery store on St. James Street in Montreal.
1944 The Canadian Government ends meat rationing.
Mar 2
1831 Upper Canada Assembly passes act legalizing marriages by Methodist ministers.
1877 City of Belleville incorporated.
1877 City of Brantford incorporated.
1916 Ontario's Temperance Act was passed.
1965 The movie version of the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical "The Sound of Music" had its world premiere in New York.
Mar 3
1838 Five hundred American sympathizers of the Upper Canada rebellion were repelled at Point Pelee.
1847 Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, was born in Edinburgh, Scotland.
1890 Norman Bethune was born at Gravenhurst.
1921 University of Toronto doctors Frederick Banting and Charles Best officially announces their team's discovery of insulin.
1942 First combat flight of the Toronto-built Avro Lancaster bomber.
1962 Carine Wilson the first woman senator in Canada died.
1967 The federal government appointed a royal commission on the status of women.
1632 Samuel de Champlain appointed first Governor of the royal colony of New France.
1815 Governor George Prevost is officially notified of the Peace of Ghent.
1881 Henry Birks opens a larger jewellery store on St. James Street in Montreal.
1944 The Canadian Government ends meat rationing.
Mar 2
1831 Upper Canada Assembly passes act legalizing marriages by Methodist ministers.
1877 City of Belleville incorporated.
1877 City of Brantford incorporated.
1916 Ontario's Temperance Act was passed.
1965 The movie version of the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical "The Sound of Music" had its world premiere in New York.
Mar 3
1838 Five hundred American sympathizers of the Upper Canada rebellion were repelled at Point Pelee.
1847 Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, was born in Edinburgh, Scotland.
1890 Norman Bethune was born at Gravenhurst.
1921 University of Toronto doctors Frederick Banting and Charles Best officially announces their team's discovery of insulin.
1942 First combat flight of the Toronto-built Avro Lancaster bomber.
1962 Carine Wilson the first woman senator in Canada died.
1967 The federal government appointed a royal commission on the status of women.
To blow my own horn a bit;
8th Anniversary
Yesterday I completed 8 years of 'virtual' Walking around Canada. Since leaving St. John's NFLD on 1 March 2004 I have walked over 10,550 K's and am now walking up the 'Top of the World Highway' just west of Dawson City, YK and am heading thru Alaska back to Whitehorse, then ?? Last stop was Inuvik, NWT, at the top of the Dempster Hwy.
100th Anniversary
On 19 April 2012 it will be the 100th Anniv of the sinking of the Titanic. A connection to Ottawa was the fact that Charles Melville Hayes, the President of the Grand Trunk RR, was on board heading home for the opening celebrations of the Chateau Laurier Hotel which were to be held on 26 April 1912. The opening was not held and Sir Wilfred Laurier signed the register on 1 June 1912 to begin operations. This year they will celebrate the 100th anniv. starting 1 June 2012.
Ref; Ottawa Citizen 17 Feb 2012 pgs C1 and C8.
200th Anniversaries
In 1811 Ira Honeywell settled in Nepean Twp, Con. 1, Lot 26 with his wife and son. This lot is just up Woodroffe Ave not far from new Ottawa City Archives. The Nepean Museum has built a representative cabin in which they would have lived. There is no known Genealogy of this family available locally altho I have started one on PAF on branch computer.
In 1812/13 Braddish Billings settled in Gloucester Twp on a lot in Junction Gore. An extensive genealogy of his family is on the branch computer and also on the branch website. I would like to know if anyone has a connection to these two early settlers or to those who settled in present day Ottawa before the start of the Rideau Canal construction.
8th Anniversary
Yesterday I completed 8 years of 'virtual' Walking around Canada. Since leaving St. John's NFLD on 1 March 2004 I have walked over 10,550 K's and am now walking up the 'Top of the World Highway' just west of Dawson City, YK and am heading thru Alaska back to Whitehorse, then ?? Last stop was Inuvik, NWT, at the top of the Dempster Hwy.
100th Anniversary
On 19 April 2012 it will be the 100th Anniv of the sinking of the Titanic. A connection to Ottawa was the fact that Charles Melville Hayes, the President of the Grand Trunk RR, was on board heading home for the opening celebrations of the Chateau Laurier Hotel which were to be held on 26 April 1912. The opening was not held and Sir Wilfred Laurier signed the register on 1 June 1912 to begin operations. This year they will celebrate the 100th anniv. starting 1 June 2012.
Ref; Ottawa Citizen 17 Feb 2012 pgs C1 and C8.
200th Anniversaries
In 1811 Ira Honeywell settled in Nepean Twp, Con. 1, Lot 26 with his wife and son. This lot is just up Woodroffe Ave not far from new Ottawa City Archives. The Nepean Museum has built a representative cabin in which they would have lived. There is no known Genealogy of this family available locally altho I have started one on PAF on branch computer.
In 1812/13 Braddish Billings settled in Gloucester Twp on a lot in Junction Gore. An extensive genealogy of his family is on the branch computer and also on the branch website. I would like to know if anyone has a connection to these two early settlers or to those who settled in present day Ottawa before the start of the Rideau Canal construction.
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